Comes straight off the fantasy cliche assembly line. Nothing is exciting or new in this movie. It's all been done before and much better in the past, but especially in recent years. The story is incredibly simple stuff and doesn't even try to put emotion into the picture. The special effects are pretty good, but there's way too much showing off in the movie and it gives it sort of an artificial feeling. Look to the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings franchises to see how to use special effects the right way in a fantasy film. I will say that Nic Cage and Alfred Molia give pretty entertaining performances, but Jay Baruchel seemed miscast to me. He was a little too nerdy and the romance between him and Teresa Palmer wasn't believable whatsoever. This is just one of those undemanding family films that tries to cash in on a current fashion with no heart or soul. It's just childish and cheesy.