It's amazing that such a film about war can have no politics whatsoever, have very little in the way of an actual plot arc, and yet still completely satisfy. Kathryn Bigelow did such a fantastic job directing this movie. It has top-notch action sequences with tension dripping from every scene, great acting from a pretty unknown cast of actors, and has that feeling of "being there" from the start. The movie is pretty long, and it isn't always an "enjoyable" movie in the sense that we normally think, but it is a great film, and one that stands as top 2009 material. This movie will not be forgotten anytime soon. I actually think it will be remembered long after most of 2009 has been forgotten.
I think that this movie was great. You're right, no real plot, just 2 guys trying their best not get killed by this new bomb disposal "hero". Lots of great tension. Was that Guy Pierce from Memento at the start?
Yes, it was Guy Pearce at the beginning. Ralph Fiennes was in it during the part where they are getting sniped as well.
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