The entire "wolfpack" is back in Hanover Part II but only this time they are off to Thailand so that Stu can marry the girl of his dreams. Only for this group nothing can be that easy and they wake up in Bangkok with no idea how they got there and a whole lot of other questions. Add in a crazy monkey, a strange missing finger, and a tattoo and you know you will be laughing. I actually liked # 2 as well as the first and if you saw the first one you won't be shocked by the language an crude humor.
Haha! It happened again! This big-screen series never fails to entertain people! The story is very similar to the first movie, and it is Allan's fault things fell apart again. Haha! I wonder if there will be a third installement, though. If there is, I wonder who's marriage will be ruined. Haha! Maybe it would be Allan's. Will he ruin his own marriage, too? LOL!
Michelle Pendlelton
s this some kind of a test? "The Hangover, Part II" plays like a challenge to the audience's capacity for raunchiness. It gets laughs, but some of them are in disbelief.
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I have seen the first one and the second one, they both are good but my favourite one is the first one since it was more suprising, I mean the story wasn't that familiar
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