Saturday, April 3, 2010

Clash of the Titans

A superior film to the infuriatingly boring and bland original, but not much underneath the visual effects and big action sequences. The movie is more serious than the original (although there is still some cheese for sure), but not any smarter. Despite a huge budget and plenty of expensive visual effects, there is never a sustained feeling of awe except for the few minutes the Kracken is on screen (which was shown in previews already). The story is basically the same as the original, although a few of the details have been changed. This material certainly could be made into a great film, but the reliance on keeping the spirit of the original holds it back (after all, most of their gross will come from fans of the original). This version of Clash of the Titans is certainly more entertaining and action-packed when compared to the original and I can't see people fond of the 1981 version not liking it, but if you are in the same group as me that didn't understand the cult classic status of the original, it probably won't do much other than be a mild diversion for 2 hours.

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